Monday, December 9, 2013

Punishments, Gyno Appointments, Et Al

I've been working on a post about something that happened the other day and spilled over into yesterday and today.  I hope to publish it tomorrow.

In the meantime, I'll just say for now that I have a discipline spanking coming my way.  I did get spanked twice yesterday, but it was a lighter and shorter version over my clothes.  The reason for this is I have an upcoming appointment with my gynecologist next week, and for that reason, hard spankings that could (unintentionally) leave bruising need to be put on hold.

I'm wondering how you other ladies handle this?  Although J never wants to cause bruising, it has happened at times.  I'm totally ok with that, as I bruise easily, but it really bothers J when it happens.

Has anyone ever had to put off an appointment with their doctor for fear of having marks noticed?  I've sometimes wondered about what would happen in the event of an accident and being taken to a hospital and having some markings discovered.  I've thought about saying something like,

Well, my husband and I are into erotic spanking.

Would that suffice, do you suppose?

Has this ever happened to anyone?  If so, would you mind sharing how you handled it?

Also, have you ever had to have a punishment spanking put off for a while?  If so, was it still effective?  I know there are other alternatives, such as a certain cream for sore muscles (aka 'the silent spanking') or loss of privileges, but J hasn't said anything about any of that, and I don't want to suggest it because I'm afraid he'll revoke my blogging privilege for a day or more!


  1. Most of my very few punishments ( there is a rumour going around that I am an angel...okay I may or may not have started it) are delayed. I have only had two in the moment. They were way better.

    As for the bruising, my bum rarely does that anymore. Sucks actually, b/c now I get WAY worse spankings than I used to when I did bruise. Okay, I admit it I need help! LOL

    Very festive blog Sadie!

    1. Well aren't you the lucky girl for getting very few punishments? Please tell us your secret LOL

      Thanks for the compliment, Willie. I can't believe the amount of time it took to get these small changes incorporated into my blog!

  2. Hey Sadie, I'm hoping someone writes about an experience. I've wondered/worried about this too. I occasionally still bruise, usually when I tense up. I don't mind the bruising either. It doesn't actually feel bruised or hurt but the purple marks can look pretty nasty. Luke feels horrible every time! I think you're explanation of erotic spanking is a good one. Trying to explain the real thing might get tricky.

    Oh and sorry to hear about the waiting time! That's never pleasant. Hope it's over now, Clara

    1. Yeah, those purple marks are pretty nasty looking, aren't they? You're right about it not feeling as bad as it looks.

      My waiting time is not over yet! My appointment is not until Monday. And guess what else......... Even though J spanked over my clothes on Sunday (and only with his hand), I still ended up with some bruising. So now I have to wait and see if it fades enough for me to feel comfortable about keeping my appointment. It's nothing big or anything, and I don't even know if it could be seen from the doctor's viewpoint (eek!). What to do, what to do. LOL

    2. Clara, do you have a blog? I clicked on your name and was brought to your profile, but didn't see a blog name. If you have one, I'd love to read it and get to know you better!

    3. You know I wonder why you can't get to my blog by clicking my name. That's how I find people too and I've noticed mine doesn't work. Well anyway my blog is

  3. I hardly ever bruise anymore but after a big walloping my bum is often still red the next day in a few spots. I have at times wondered..."What if I were in a car accident. This is a bigger deal than having clean underwear!" I had an emergency doctors appointment once where I was a bit concerned. I just didn't want any questions b/c I knew what to say (what you suggested) but also knew I'd be incredibly anxious. LOL...I'm not answering your question very well. I'm just avoiding that the problem will ever come up.

    1. Susie, I've had the same thought about the car accident thing......definitely worse than not having clean undies :-P I assume you didn't get asked about the state of your bottom while at the emergency doctor's appointment?

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